Accessing Biospecimens and Data
Support and Guidance to Researchers and Biobanks
McCain GU Biobank provides support and guidance to researchers and biobanks on accessing, collection, and using human biospecimens and associated data for health research.
McCain GU BioBank has a large repository of GU, GYN and Thoracic samples. Our new e-forms to request retrospective biospecimens and data or prospective specimen collection for specific oncology population simplify the communication process that is necessary.

- Formulate Study aims
- Review McCain GU BioBank biospecimen directory and services
- Contact us for further inquires

- Submit Retro/Prospective biospecimen and data request.
- Biobank Manager will Contact back within 48 hours.
- Negotiate timelines and budget
- Additional support for UHN REB application and MTA
- Possible collaboration with PI

- Receive sample list
- Timelines of expected sample and data release
- Distribution of samples following ethical, legal and scientific approval
- Provide Feedback on sample quality and data accuracy.
- Learn about collaboration opportunities and additional services
All additional support to obtain information on the availability of relevant samples and data, feasibility of the prospective study project, REB and MTA assistance or collaboration with Dr. Neil Fleshner can also be requested.