McCain GU Biobank
We aim to support biomarker discovery and enhancing future cancer research in the areas of genomics, proteomics and epidemiology.
Our Program
Our program is based on collecting serialized collections throughout patient prognosis. Clinical time point collections are based on input from our expert surgical, medical, and radiation oncologist teams.
UHN COVID-19 Updates
As per direction from UHN Leadership, we are limiting our presence at our hospitals. Researchers may experience delayed access to biospecimens. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.
We are constantly growing in sample size and cancer disease sites. With the launch of our gynecology cohort in 2011 and thoracic cohort in 2019, we aim to create a comprehensive biospecimen & data directory to aid in cutting-edge research.
Quality Management
Our Quality Management program systematically monitors and evaluates all aspects of biobanking processes to improve the quality of specimen and data for long-term sustainability. Implementation of this will improve personnel proficiency, operational efficiency, effectiveness and adaptability in biobanking.